Month: April 2008

  • Internet Island Topic Post #33: Working, Playing, Living


    Internet Island Topic Post #33: Working, Playing, and Living

    I’ve mentioned this before. As the months pass, it gets incredibly difficult not repeating myself. I’ve done it slyly, and done it without realizing it. However, I really like my idea for this month’s topic, don’t think I’ve seen these topics before, and I’m deliberately trying not to “ask questions”. Xanga is overwhelmed with questions these days. The purpose of the prompts here on Internet Island have always been to spark the imagination, and hopefully serve as a jumping off point for visiting other blogs you might not have noticed before and developing new friendships. Last month, I took some of the Islanders’ advice and listed only one topic with three subtopics. Three is a nice round number. (That’s an intended joke for any of you mathematicians out there.) The topic generated a lot of response. I also want to try and time these so they don’t fall on dates when Featured Grownups and Kween of the Queens post topics, cause a lot of us are members of all three blogrings. Well, without further ado, here are this month’s three subtopics:

    33.1 Working

    The Most Interesting Place I’ve Worked: As we age, we become more experienced at what we do for a living. Sometimes we go through dozens of jobs, and sometimes we end up with the gold watch. What can you tell us about one particular job. Explain what made it stand out.


    33.2 Playing

    Take a Chance: I’m not talkin’ about Vegas. Chances are you’ve taken a big chance sometime in your life, be it short or long, and when you decided to take that chance, something told you there was a very large risk involved, yet you took the chance anyway, and lived to tell the tale. Tell it to us.


    33.3 Living

    Life Resume: I’m sure we all know that the term resume usually refers to a document listing our qualifications when we apply for a new job or position. What would your “resume” for life look like. List your qualifications for being yourself, on or off the job, in business, social circles, or alone. Apply for the job of being yourself.
    You can write however and whatever you please, of course, but here are some resume guidelines if you’d like.

    The main parts of a resume are:
    Objectives, achievements, experience, education, skills, and of course the requisite “references available upon request.”
    Free resume format from

    The Topic Post will last about a month. Please enter the link or date of your Internet Island Topic Entry for this post in a comment here. If you are creating a link, make sure you link to the page with the “comments” box and not the page with five entries. (HERE IS A TUTORIAL ABOUT HOW TO MAKE LINKS.) The purpose of Internet Island Topic Posts is to help get the members of the Internet Island Blogring to exchange comments and get to know each other. Please check back periodically for new entries throughout the posting period.  If you post a topic entry, please make an attempt to visit the other Islanders who do so as well. It is also a good idea to post the link to the Topic Entry in your own entry so that other interested parties can come here. You can copy/paste the Topic Post links right here in this entry into your own weblog entry box.

    Topic Entries:

    baldmike2004 33.1 3/14

    GunStarHero1988 33.1 (fiction) 3/7

    Zeal4living 33.1 3/15

    phil leafman 33.1 3/15

    couldquitepossiblybeme 33.1 3/17

    Ladyblue1 33.1 3/18

    CanadianNational 33.1 3/21

    baldmike2004 33.2 3/26

    boureemusique 33.1,3 3/31

    closethippie 33.2 4/01

    MsCatbert2You 33.1 4/05

    SadnessPart1 33.1 4/05 (new member)

    Jemstone05 33.2 4/06

    Jeri Dee 33.1 4/08

    therestaurantmanager 1 4/09 (new member)

    therestaurantmanager1 32.1 4/10


    Remember, the tabs at the top of theInternet Island Blogring Page will “sort” the members by latest post, date joined,  and alphabetical Username. Use the ring page to find new Islanders, or older ones you might not have visited in a while. It’s OUR Island, and we’re a great group of people with different interests, fantastic stories, and wonderful lives, and we have a great deal of love for our fellow man.

    There are no “right” or “wrong” responses to any Topic Post for Internet Island. All responses are just as valid as any other response.

    NOTE: Please limit the posts you “send to blogrings” for the Internet Island to actual Internet Island Topic Posts. Thank You.